
_ MPlayer/MEncoder

MEncoder (MPlayer's Movie Encoder) is a simple movie encoder, designed to
encode MPlayer-playable movies (AVI/DVD/VCD/VOB/MPG/MOV/VIV/NET) to other
MPlayer-playable formats (see below). Currently it's in beta stage, and encodes
only to DivX4 (1 or 2 passes) video, PCM/MP3/VBRMP3 audio. Also has stream
copying abilities. In the future, there will be cropping, resizing filters, and
other interesting stuff.

_ RHL8 の gnome で、メニューの編集ができない。

そういう仕様の version らしいです。直接書き換えるか gnome-2.0.2 で復活した模様。